Alberta / Oil and Gas / Politics / The Wedge

Huge Historical Win For Alberta : Premier Smith Perhaps World’s Top Leader

By The Wedge.LIVE

This Friday 13th of October is a joyful day in the Province of Alberta.

The Supreme Court of Canada has deemed Bill C-69 unconstitutional. This Bill, AKA Impact Assessment Act, or more perjoratively referred to as “No More Pipelines Act,” has caused so much economic hardship to Albertans and frankly, the whole nation.

The press conference Premier Smith held today is better than gold for Alberta, and neighbouring provinces who have all been defending their jurisdictions for years. The Court now agrees, the provinces’ land, resources, electricity is theirs to harvest exclusively.

The energy sector can now present their projects and “Alberta will approve them.” Even Tech Frontier is back on the table (story).

“Ottawa is trying to position this loss as a win,” Smith states. The Liberal minority government in Ottawa acted “illegally.” The Feds tried to seize control of the province’s energy production and electricity grid. The Court ruled, ‘hands off.’

“Minister Guilbeault has done more damage to our investment climate in this province than any Minister I have ever seen,” Smith reports. Now, his reign of terror is over.

Alberta is officially the most free province in Canada. We owe Premier Smith respect. She has evidently sealed Albertans’ trust.

MUST LISTEN Starts at 4:24 (Minister Rebecca Schulz on the right):

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