News / The Wedge

ARC : A Win For Humanity Has Just Arrived

By Maggie M, TheWedge.LIVE

I sit on my sofa in my Western Canada office listening intently to beautiful Baroness Philippa Stroud open the first meeting of ARC (Alliance For Responsible Citizenship) yesterday in Greenwich, UK. Our own Jordan Peterson and Leslyn Lewis are present. Peterson is a keynote and co-founder of ARC with the Baroness.

“This is a civilization moment,” she quotes the words of ARC’s Advisory Board present.

She speaks passionately of, “A better story one that is rooted in the infinite value of every human being, built on the freedoms, freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and woven together with kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control by a responsible people. And I am sure we will hear Jordan Peterson say shortly, welcome aboard the ARC.”

“This is a civilization moment”

I hear, “Foundations of the nations are worth rebuilding,” and, “Each person was made in the image of the divine.” Eugenicists do not speak in this manner. War-mongers do not speak in like manner. Dividers, deceivers, thieves in high places would not hold court with these gentle-folk who speak of individual value and kindness. Not until now, as they clearly will not be able to ignore this high-level movement.

I am hopeful.

The Advisory Board is illustrious, numbering forty-five. I expect there are no Davos adherents present after some review. And certainly language used is unfamiliar to the Malthusian vanity of the World Economic Forum in Geneva.

The speakers appear to be of one accord. Peterson underscores the ARC’s mission, its mantra. The words, “We are sovereign citizens,” rolls off his lips.

This organization may be the one that can save the world from the clutches of a cruel enemy attempting to subdue humanity from its strongholds in Geneva, Davos and City of London (one sq. mile within London).

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