Health / The Wedge

Surprising cause of conditions and disease


By The Health Nut

Dr. Magda Havas is an Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies at Trent U. here in Ontario; yet, she is renown worldwide for the gold-standard in her work regarding electromagnetism in our environment and its effects on our bodies.


Dr. Magda Havas speaking at the Women’s College Hospital, Toronto

Havas’s peer-reviewed studies show that up to 35% of North America’s population is suffering from electrosmog at home, in our environment, and as a result, may have been diagnosed with chronic diseases including cancer and infertility. People experiencing physical symptoms are estimated to be much higher.

Most are suffering from insomnia, mental fog, memory loss, weight gain, inflammation, headaches, depression, joint pain among many symptoms. This renders people ineffective in their work and robs the joy in their daily lives.

This video will inspire you to minimize this culprit in your surroundings. Havas has published a great deal of solutions including emf filters for your home. Some solutions are so simple and affordable you will be galvanized into action.

The Wedge hopes you will be well. We hear daily of people suffering, perhaps needlessly.

Dr. Havas’s website.

Dr. Havas’s YouTube channel.

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